Monday, June 6, 2011

This is the hottest thing in the last decade?

So Spike TV held their annual awards show last night and feted Jennifer Aniston for a decade of hotness.


Not Mila Kunis? Not Eliza Dushku? Not Salma Hayek? Not Angelina Jolie? Not . . .*goes on ad nauseum*?

And as if to emphasize the head scratching nature of the award, Jen shows up looking like this:

Seriously, honey? You're being awarded for being the hotttest thing going for the last ten years, and that's the best outfit you can bring? And nice hair, by the way. Piss off your stylist?

I don't actually have anything against Jen, but the continuous whining about Brad & Angie, and the serial douchbag dating, and the endless magazine covers about how happy she is alone quickly followed by another stating she's in love again!


Something tells me Spike TV needs a testosterone booster or something, 'cause at this rate, they'll be annoiting Florence Henderson as the hotty of the year.