Sunday, March 4, 2012

Rule 5 Sunday -- Ashley Brookes

ashley brookes

This week's Rule 5 submission is Ashley Brookes. As I'm in a bit of a situation this weekend -- looks like my fridge decided to give up the ghost (why these things happen after I'm on vacation and not while I'm on vacation when I could actually get them taken care of, I'll never know!), so I had to do a little quicky here.

Once again, when I decided to see who this gal was, turns out she may be some adult actress that also goes by the name Nikki Nevada.


Sometimes I just feel so out of the loop with things. Ya know?

But she is cute, so there is that at least . . .

*click on the thumbnails for full-sized images*

ashley brookesashley brookesashley brookes
ashley brookesashley brookesashley brookes
ashley brookesashley brookesashley brookes

Rule 5 Sunday suggested by this.