Sunday, April 1, 2012

Rule 5 Sunday -- Girls behaving badly edition

apartment wrestling

Or perhaps it should be photographers behaving badly. heh heh

If you're one of the two or three folks that have followed me online, you know I'm liking the vintage stuff, black & white photography, and the like. So I'm always trolling around looking for that type of thing online. I had always known of Bettie Page and her fetish work. I just never imagined it was so prevalent back in the day.

Photogs like Irving Klaw, Bunnie Yeager, Theo Ehret, and others were getting their freak on back when Lucy and Desi were sleeping in seperate beds on television. Scandalous! And apparently this stuff continues today with the wondrous world of internet access, there are other photogs carrying on the kinky work of these vintage photographers.

Not that I, personally, am interested in this stuff. Not at all, it is presented merely in an academic light. Because . . . well, you know . . . uhmmm . . . *closes door to computer room*

*click on thumbnails for full-sized images*

apartment wrestling bettie pagetheo ehret women boxing
bettie pageapartment wrestlingapartment wrestling
theo ehret women wrestlingmisc vintage catfightstheo ehret women wrestling

Rule 5 Sunday suggested by this.