Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I guess it's an anniversary...

...of sorts. The Deepwater Horizon oil spill was one year ago. And the local media outlets are in full angst about the horrors of what happened. Bringing up pics of oil soaked birds and oily splotches on beaches, etc. Though none of that actually happened around here.

And the rallying cry is to not allow a few months of sun and nice weather to cause us to forget what happened a year ago.

Well, I haven't forgotten . . .

I haven't forgotten that for two months the President did nothing buy play golf and take his wife out on date nights on the public dime while oil gushed into the Gulf.

I haven't forgotten that for two months the President refused help from countries around the world who offered aid and technologies to contain the oil spill.

I haven't forgotten that for two months the President ignored the pleas for help from the Gulf state Governors while millions of gallons of oil gushed into the Gulf.

I haven't forgotten that for two months the President demagoged Republicans and oil companies and did nothing substantive to stop the oil gushing into the Gulf.

I haven't forgotten that the only reason BP was drilling way out in water deeper than anyone has ever drilled before, was because the President and the Democrats refused to allow them to drill in shallower water where drilling technologies are safer and more reliable.

Yeah, I haven't forgotten.

So I see where NASA is looking for other things to do since the whole "space exploration" thing is over now. They say that the Goddard Institute for Space Studies or GISS is going to work on climate data and associated stuff.

Yeah, that'll work out great. These are the same guys who never corrected their data for the Y2K bug, and have generally spent the last couple of years defaming the name "Goddard" with their slopsh*t studies and sloppy scientific methods.

What they really ought to be trying to figure out is how this Ke$ha chick can look like this one minute:

Then when she puts on a bikini, she looks like this:

'Cause that's some Jekyl and Hyde sh*t right there! I mean there has to be some sort of humanity saving device in there somewhere. That kind of transformation can't just happen, you know? If we could only harness that power for good . . .