This week's Rule 5 posting is a selection of Playboy ladies almost giving away the farm, so to speak.
Playboy, as a men's magazine, is in a tough position. Since guys pay for each issue, the publishers feel obligated to give them their money's worth. Which means no wasting time with hinting or teasing imagery, they're going full monty right from the get go.
Problem is, it is usually sexier for a woman to suggest with her look, which is the great dilemma ladies face with their wardrobe -- how tight, how low cut, how short, etc. Of course, as guys, it's a win-win for us, but I do sympathize with the gal's struggles.
That said, what follows is the results of my pouring over thousands of Playboy images to find pictures that are sexy and racy without just slapping you in the face with nudity. It's a lot of heavy lifting, but for the two or three of you that come by regularly . . . it is the least I could do.
*click on the thumbnail for full-sized image*